The Electroacoustic Barn Dance is held at the University of Mary Washington, which is at 1301 College Ave, Fredericksburg, VA, 22401.
All day-related activities at EABD are happening in Pollard Hall. Click here to view an interactive map of the campus.
- Registration: The registration desk will be in Pollard 218, along with light refreshments and information about the surrounding area. Information, food, and coffee are provided by Mu Phi Epsilon, the Music Department honors fraternity.
- Concerts: All concerts (except for after-hours concerts) and are in Pollard Hall, room 304. The easiest way to get to 304 is by the elevator; if you take the stairs, you will need to go to the middle of the second floor to get to the stairs to the third floor.
- Papers: All papers will take place in Pollard 213.
After-hours locations are around Fredericksburg.
- Thursday: The General Store, a restaurant across the street from Pollard. 2108 College Ave.
- Friday: 909 Saloon, a bar in downtown Fredericksburg. 909 Caroline St.
- Saturday: Eyeclopes, an off-beat concert venue in downtown Fredericksburg. 620 Charlotte St.
Here is a link to general parking on-campus. You will need to abide by these guidelines on Thursday and Friday, but there is street parking on each of the nights of the festival and all day on Saturday. If you have instruments or otherwise to unload to Pollard, there is a road and parking lot behind Pollard Hall you can use, but make sure someone is with your car.